
The pork barrel scam has been the issue for the past months. All sectors of the society is pretty much affected by it, well, in the Philippine setting, at least. It is necessary, however, that our folks get to know it better (e.g. criticizing not only the PDAF but also the presidential funds) and get to look at the picture as a whole (and maybe from a new perspective?). Ever encountered the term bureaucrat capitalism? Ever wondered how such mechanism protect and serve the interests of the ruling class by maintaining such a shitty system?

Yeah... it's our confraternity's (Pi Sigma - Pi Sigma Delta) goal to raise social awareness among the folks from our school, so we'll be conducting a forum regarding the matter tomorrow. Uso short notice ngayon huhu

And so

With the help of my collective, I did some organizing in UP Clark. In an effort to get their attention, I've also shopped a photo into that because people love illustrations and all that eye-indulging shit. I swear I did my best editing *cough* given the limited time lol *cough* while trying to work out how to lobby six more non-pork issues

We've also invited a bigatin identity (UP Student Regent Krista Melgarejo) to speak before the people because it's time to let our student council chairperson know that all these social issues I've been trying to raise is freakin importanté. I'm tired of being ignored, goddammit. These social issues must be given the proper amount of attention to AND YOU MUST KNOW THATTTT

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 19 and is filed under ,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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