Archive for December 2013


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Received Spam (fancy canned stuff) form Monica, violated resolutions

took photos of lots of stuff, went vegetarian (with exceptions for pizza), ate teeth-hostile stuff with Mocs and Dahls and Char and Kit and Sofia

fell in love with Nosferatu besides his being bald, got the hots for Tarantino, rolled third wheel, had a small crush on my best friend's girlfriend, walked the runway

had a blast at the annual UP fair with my aliens

made plans to form some sort of a cinema club in UP Clark, failed to push plans through, ran my first marathon, met Char's (then) present crush in person (finally)

went on a date with my sibs on a very random day

decluttered, realized that "declutter" isn't an actual word

was amazed at what an eyecandy Noriter café really is, received my first real handmade mixtape, received it from Dahls

saw a hedgehog in person for the first time, got to take care of that hedgie

saw The Rocky Horror Picture Time over and over, sketched a lot

drank saltwater, built a sandcastle, an actual pretty sandcastle, went island hopping, built more pretty sandcastles, submerged in the local Boracay culture by having a burrito at Army Navy, marveled at the grossness of algae, felt bad for not having a flat belly (lol), got entranced by that overly macho fire dancer

won at beer pong, lost, received Brad Porky Von Durian

got chased by zombies

broke my camera

converted a few people into Whovians, pledged to learn how to do typography and flash and polymer clay molding and watercolor, forgot everything about the pledge

saw Cinderella and Hercules (films) for the first time, got myself a job-- taught Japs how to communicate in English even when I myself cannot

got hooked to Zumba, developed a lasting crush on the Zumba instructor, participated in my first art swap, lost my first Doctor Who companions, decided that I'd never get over the Ponds, appreciated Fliptop, saw nine Cinemalaya films

joined UP PsychSoc, fell in like with thrift stores and bazaars

fell in like with the local reggae scene, liked you more, like, more more, witnessed a drunk Clarence, had coffee with Monica lots of times, took lots of selfies, got more in touch with my people in UP Diliman

stood up for students' rights

had lots of visits from Sofia, recorded covers with Sofia, saw a local communist-ish bromance film with Jake Cuenca in it, seeked lots of shorts and documentaries right after, got sort of addicted to Shingeki no Kyojin with my brother

realized how cute your nose is, fell in like with your scent, decided I'd tell my best friend stuff about you

bought pirated copies of Doctor Who, felt super excited about it, ate lots of pizza, bonded with Pi Sig lots of times, took lots of photos using SplitPic


held film and Who marathons with Kiyoko, started reading seven books, finished only one, 

found faith in God, lost it, found it again, ???, got lost in space, celebrated Monica's birthday with lots of sweets

fell in love with Wong Kar-Wai's work, went gaga over not seeing you for a long time

had a very random date with Mocs and Kit and Tuesday and Charlene

got obsessed with my overly pretty desk, took a lot of photos of it

really liked watching Hannibal (series)

felt important, took panoramas, decided I didn't want reciprocity

hung out with Shai... lots of times

took more SplitPics

reunited with the Tigertap folks lots of times

found it amazing that the universe let us gravitate toward this especially now that a bunch of them are going to graduate soon

witnessed Clarence like someone very much and prolly for the first time

saw pretty fireworks with my closest chums in UP, played tag, ran a lot, got chased down, felt funny... in a good way

went on random dates with Pi Sig

fangirled over Who, saw Rose Tyler and David Tennant prolly for the last time on Who, missed the Ponds a lot for they were my first companions

took it to the streets

ignored professors

played with mud people

met and bonded with one of Moc's closest friends as if we've known each other for a long time

took lots of memorable photos with people who'll prolly be gone by March next year

worked in the kitchen unsupervised

wrote lots of letters

never really let anyone read most of them (because that'd be too cheesy)

2013 is indeed a great year 

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